What is an Escape Room?

Published by and copyright, Bryan Sloan @ Legacy Escape Box

An escape room is first and foremost a game. It’s a way to have fun with friends. You should solve a big picture problem by solving multiple smaller problems. An Escape Room is a set of puzzles designed for friends to figure out clues to achieve the final objective, sometimes escaping from a room or opening a treasure in a final box.

An escape room is designed for you to have fun, solve clues and put together abstract puzzles and problems. Some clues lead to more clues, leading to a key or combination to open a box which could lead to more clues! – You get the picture.

It’s a great way to promote teamwork and collaboration. You’ll need to work together and use each person’s abilities in order to complete the room.

There is typically a time limit to achieve your objectives, usually set around 60 minutes or less. Work together with your teammates to find clues, keys, and other items needed to solve the riddles in the room and work your way out!

An example of an escape room could be finding clues in Sherlock Holmes’ office and solving a case. It could be that you’re trying to recover a stolen artifact from a collector. Or maybe you’re the bad guy: you’re breaking into a bank, grabbing the cash, and trying to get out! Or perhaps you were framed and were put in prison. Now you have to break out. – An escape room can be anything, as long as you’re solving puzzles, gathering clues to put together to solve the bigger picture problem.


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